Mahmoud Muhammad wrote:
“Their number exceeds twenty thousand,” are the horses of “Prophet Solomon”, which he loved for military purposes, as he had strong, fast horses.
And it is narrated that while he was presenting and organizing it, he missed the afternoon prayer by mistake, not intentionally. When he knew that the prayer had been missed for these horses, he said:
“No, by God, do not distract me from worshiping my Lord, then he commanded it, so it became impotent and slapped its necks and its throats with swords. When God Almighty knew from his servant Solomon that he
slaughtered these horses for his sake, glory be to Him, out of fear of his torment and love in honor of him, because he worked with them until the time for prayer came, may God reward him. The Almighty is that which is better than it, which is the wind that flows at His command, wherever it strikes. From it “Narrated by Ahmad and Al-Bayhaqi, and it is a true hadeeth.