Lady Ann Blunt and her husband founded Crabbet Park-Sussex – England in Sussex, England, and it was called Crabbet Park (Crabbet Farm for Arabian Horses). She was placed in Sheikh Obaid’s stables, then traveled to the Crabbet farm, and they were called Crabbet horses, although they are 100% Egyptian, and all the horses she produced on her farm were called Crabbet horses.
The book, Purebred Arabian Horses, authored by Prince A. G. Sherbatov and Count S. A. Stroganov, issued by the King Abdul Aziz Public Library in 1999 A.D., reviewed and edited by Dr. Awad Atta Al-Badi, describes the Crabbet Park Arabian Horse Farm as a private institution, founded by Mr. Wilfred Plant and Lady Anne Blunt in 1878 AD.
In (1899 AD), the Krabet farm included 32 mare, including one at the age of three, and she will give birth next year, and 16 foals, 5 horses and 42 foals, including first-year foals and the current year’s foals.

The basic principles followed in breeding the breed in the Krabbet farm:
o Protecting the Arabian horse from any mixing with the English horse, or with another breed, regardless of its origin, as well as from any suspicious oriental elements.
o The use of horses on the farm with excellent blood, such as the tribes of Arabia, which are famous for their horses, choose to spoil their females.
o Not seeking to increase the length of the animal, by increasing food. The normal length of desert-bred Arabian horses should be considered around 14 fists and two inches.
o Excluding all horses that do not respond to the Arab model, regardless of their other individual characteristics.
o The strongest, prettiest, best-born, and healthiest horses remain on the farm. As for those that are less strong, healthy, nimble and childbirth, they are marketed and disposed of.
Putting mares in the farm at the age of four to mate, and horses at the age of five. But it was noted that the best offspring are born in both cases between the eighth and sixteenth years, but the mares continue to give good offspring until they reach the age of 26 years. As for horses, they can be used until they are 20 years old or more.
o Although it is said when making purchases that some mares are barren, they were born in England, and there was no case of barrenness in their offspring.
o The farm system in Karabet is very simple and relatively inexpensive. Females and young foals are distributed to ordinary wooden pens in the winter. In late April they let her go out to graze, where she stays until December.
o Horses stay only all year round in the stable, and as a general rule, oats are only given to young foals and to females born in the desert that need great care within a year or two, until they adapt to the new conditions. Mares that are found to be thin and do not tolerate normal care are culled.
o The colors of the horses in the Arabian Krabbet Park farm: dum, blond, gray dun dark. The first two colors predominate in it; Because the offspring turns in many cases to the color dun.