On the authority of Ibn Masoud – may God be pleased with him – on the authority of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – that he said: “The horse is of three types: a filly that a man ties for the sake of God Almighty, its price is a reward, its riding is a reward, its saddle is a reward, and its fodder is a reward, and a horse that a man seduces and bets on, so his price A sin, feeding it a sin, riding it a sin, and a horse to the belly, so perhaps it will be a remedy from poverty, God willing.” Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad, and authenticated by Al-Albani.
In the footnote to the Musnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, it says:
His saying “closes on it” means that he bets, so he said: “And he bets on the kindness of an interpretation of it.

He wants to bet on horses in the legal way is permissible, and what is makrooh here is what was on the path of ignorance, and it is possible that the prohibition was because his intention was to be proud, and to collect money without looking at that it is permissible; Because betting from it is also forbidden.