On the authority of Utbah bin Abd al-Salami – may God be pleased with him – that he heard the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – say: “Do not clip the forelocks of horses, for good is tied to their forelocks, not their manes, for there is their warmth in them, not their tails, for they are melted away.” And in another narration: “Do not cut the forelocks of the horse, nor their manes, nor their tails, for their tails are their spurs, their manes are their warmth, and their forelocks are knotted with goodness.” It was narrated by Abu Dawood and Ahmad, Al-Albani in “Sahih Abi Dawood”, Ibn Muflih in “Shari’a Adab”, Al-Mundhiri in “Al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb”, Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani in “Tareekh Mishkat Al-Masbah” and Ibn Kathir in “Jami’ Al-Masanid and Al-Sunan”.
The forelocks of a horse are what is on its head and at the top of its head of hair. And her acquaintances are a plural of hair, which is the hair on the top of the neck, which extends to the right or to the left. And its tails are the hair that is in the tail or tail.
In this hadith it is forbidden to cut the hair of the forelocks, manes and tails of the horse, and the hadith clarified the importance of horse hair in these areas of his body, for goodness is inherent in its forearms, warmth in its manes, and repelling flies with its tails.