There are standard specifications that must be strictly met in race horses, as they do not need to exaggerate in aesthetic standards, but need standards of structural strength, coordination, balance, and strength of the legs, especially the back legs, and the muscles of the thigh and buttocks.
The length of the neck, the angle of the neck to the shoulder, and the degree of shoulder inclination must be taken into account, in addition to the ideal back line that is characterized by good movement and short horseback, and the steel should be strong and short, and the shin should not be too steep, and the chest circumference should be wide, deep in the hollow; Because this means the large size of the lungs, and the safety of the respiratory system, which is one of the most important features of the race horse, and speed is linked to two wide nostrils.
There is no doubt that the race horse is distinguished by the prominence of the muscles, clarity and strength, as well as strong ligaments, solid tendons, large joints with clear structure, long forearms, and short, rounded bones (tibia or cannon), with the roots being rotated at an angle representing the angle of the shoulder 45 degrees, proportional to the length, With the hoof rotated, and to be of a proportional size.

Tips for buying a race horse
There are a number of guidelines that must be taken into account when buying racing horses, identified by experts in the field of horse breeding, through their accumulated experiences and expertise, the most prominent of which are:
o It is preferable that the height of the horse be more than 145 centimeters, measured from its feet to its hips.
o If the horse’s frame is too light to bear the weight of its muscles, it may lead to serious injuries.
o The front rolls should be looked at, and checked well; Because it bears 60% of the horse‘s weight on it, the legs must be straight and moderate, and there should be no deformities in the joints, bones or hoof.
Finally, we must choose the racehorse well, and the foal or horse must be less than two years old; Until it is well trained, and better prepared for the race, a horse may be perfect in compositions, but not a good horse if it has not been adequately trained.