Abbas Pasha and his commanders persevered in keeping track of the finest breeds of purebred Arabian horses, and they competed in their acquisition, and made every effort to do so. In order to make a book that records the origins of the horses that he acquired, and not content with oral tales, and to prove the birth of these horses in the records of the renaissance of horse blogging.
The second manuscript of Abbas Pasha I is the first book to record and document the history of the horses they brought from the Arabian Peninsula to his stables in Egypt, as well as documenting Bedouin stories about them, where Abbas Pasha’s men traveled between all the tribes of Najd, and met their sheikhs, owners of horse stalls, and everyone who had knowledge of the origins of Horses and their specifications, they wrote down the information they collected from the mouths of the narrators, and arranged them in a neat and elegant arrangement that attracts attention, and attracts admiration and appreciation for their great effort.
As for the first manuscript written by Al-Bajirmi to Abbas Pasha on horses, it is a constitution for the purchase of horses, and it specifies the qualities required in them, and the reprehensible qualities that should be avoided.