On the authority of Abu Hurairah – may God be pleased with him – that a man said: “Oh, Messenger of God, guide me to a deed that is equivalent to jihad. He said: I do not find it. Then he said: Can you, if the mujahid go out, enter your mosque, so that you get up and do not slack, fast and do not break the fast?” He said: Who can do that? Abu Huraira said: The mujahid’s horse will not be able to frolic at its height, so good deeds will be recorded for it. Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and Malik in Al-Muwatta and Al-Nisa’i.
Ibn al-Tin said: The horse is sitting: having fun when it is away, and Ibn Battal said: It takes the Sunnah on one face, past. And it is on the weight of “fabricating” from “the Sunan.” It is said: So the Sunan of the wind and the torrent if it is on their side (and its path), and the people of Hijaz say: Sunan by adding the Seine.
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani said: The Persians are sitting: having fun actively, and Al-Jawhari said: It is to raise his hands and throw them together, and others said that he penetrates his enemy, coming or turning. And in the proverb, “I waited for separation until al-Qar’i,” he is struck for those who imitate those who are above him.

Its length: It is the rope by which the animal is pulled, and the owner holds its end and sends it to graze.