We present the slanders of St. John about the Arabs and Egyptians raising horses, which he described as a cruel way to secure their horses, whether in the stable, in the field, or in the camp, which he sees – from his point of view – to be very harmful, as each leg is fixed to the opposite leg behind it with a short rope. So that the first is tied with a large rope under the body, whether when the horse is feeding, or when resting in the field, and there are two other ropes that pass from the front corner at a right angle with his body fixed to each other, this method was harsh, but it was followed to prevent the horses from escaping, the distance left The horse is small for feeding as much as it can in the stable, and besides the short ropes to which the horse is tied, the horse’s head is tied with two ropes in the ceiling and two others to the ground at right angles and two ropes from behind on the wall or pillars, while the hind legs are tied, either to the back wall, or A strong rope runs along the floor.
some restraints may have placed the horses in close proximity without any adversary to prevent distortion of one another, and he stated that he saw one horse placed in a wide box tied in the same manner; Because he is fierce. As for the young foals, it was difficult to restrain them.
I think this is not true; Europeans like to pretend to know and know everything.

Muhammad Ali Pasha hired the French veterinarian “Hamont”, where he worked for the Pasha for 14 years, during which he took charge of the stables, and Hammont worked to improve the stables management system, immunize and treat horses.
Hammont accuses the stables of Muhammad Ali of brutality
“Hamont” accused Muhammad Ali’s stables of brutality in his memoirs, where he said: The system of work in the Pasha’s stables was changed, the management of the stables was dependent on the Turks treating horses in a brutal manner, and the construction of the stables was very low with little ventilation and maintenance, and this was detrimental to the health of the horses It also helps to shelter flies and mosquitoes, and the stables were crowded with horses, and the mares were tied with ropes from the head and limbs in a way that made any movement impossible; So I ordered the burning of all the ropes and the punishment of those responsible for disobeying the new rules for the treatment of horses, and the foals from crowding and overcrowding were sick.
There were 48 white mares restrained in the stable, some of them handsome, and apparently well bred in another, and 61 young foals remarkably fine, in these stables I have not noticed any mares, perhaps in separate buildings, and 22 stallions in Another stable, among them a charming gray horse, a smooth Najdi horse, and a salt chestnut, and there were 6 white horses, 5 of them in large stalls (boxes), and their speed was great, and these horses were for correspondence. The horses were standing in two rows, facing each other, and there was nothing in front of the horses but the brim on which to put the bramble.
The manner of tying up the stallions was also tight and allotted a place not far from the edges, and a loose horse was assigned to every 10 mares, and men of weak body, in Hammont’s words, were fed and cared for, and were not well paid. Because of the low salaries they were forced to steal fodder; Because their salaries were not enough, they would sell some horses to get their price.
which is an incorrect description; Because the personality and nature of Muhammed Ali Pasha does not allow this, and foreigners always like to describe themselves on the principle of bragging and distinction.
Hammont goes on to explain the condition of the stables that foals are tied up before they reach adulthood, and this weakens them; due to lack of food.
Within a short period of time, Hammont was able to convince the governor that a large batch of foals had died before they were three years old; due to negligence in care.