Muhammad Ali established a special law for the sale and purchase of horses, and the cases requiring the sale to be terminated.
Every defect or disease that necessitated the annulment of the sale became a definitive reason for the invalidity and spoilage of the sale, and the aforementioned diseases were specified by virtue of the law issued on May 20, 1838 AD.
(first item)

All the diseases and defects indicated below are the reason for the annulment of the sale and the grounds for the lawsuit stipulated in Article 1641 of the Civil Code, in the sale and exchange of domestic animals without taking into account the places where the sale or exchange took place.
These are the periodic catastrophes in the eyes:
o saqqa
o the saddle
o Chronic chest diseases
o carotid diseases
o dyspnea
o Spasmodic movement without teeth melting (ie, teech)
Chronic suffocation
o Types of intermittent inguinal hernia
o Intermittent claudication due to chronic illness
)The second item(
A lawsuit to reduce the price and reduce it, as stipulated in Article 1644 of the Civil Code, cannot be instituted in the sale and exchange of animals that have the aforementioned diseases.
(third clause)
The estimated deadlines for filing an action for rescission of sale are thirty days for animals with periodic cataracts and epilepsy, and nine days for other cases without including the day of receipt.
)fourth item(
If the sold animal has been received or moved within the estimated deadlines outside the seller’s place of residence, one day shall be added to the mentioned deadlines for each distance of 5 km from the place of residence of the seller to the place where the animal is located.
)item five(
In all cases, if the purchaser wants to return the purchased animal, he must submit, within the dates prescribed in the third item, a summons requesting the appointment of a group of experts to debate the animal to be returned and write the necessary report according to what they see, and submit it to the judge of the district in which the animal is located.
The said judge shall immediately appoint one or three experts, according to the importance of the case; to discuss it as soon as possible.
)item six(
The lawsuit that is filed with respect to animals infected with the diseases described above shall be heard and investigated in total according to the current principles without being subjected to conciliation between the two parties.
)seventh clause(
If the animal perishes within the deadlines stipulated in the third item, the seller shall not be liable for it unless the buyer proves that the animal’s death resulted from one of the diseases stipulated in the first item.
)eighth clause(
Every mare, donkey, or mule that perishes from the disease of saddlery or saddlery, and its seller proves that the animal, after receiving it, has mixed with animals infected with these diseases, is not bound by his guarantee.