Muhammed Effendi Laz, author of the book “The Veterinarian’s Guide in the Appearance of Horses,” says: This abbreviation is drawn from a group of lessons that officers read when teaching in a school, and it includes several scientific materials by which officers, and likewise the Onbachs, obtain great benefits for their daily service, as there are What is known is the structure and system of horses, the original functions of the organ systems, the signs by which it is possible to know the quality and poor quality of horses, and the effects that apparent agents have on the health of horses.
These are the signs that need to be followed to help influence the beneficial factors, and to transform the influence of harmful factors, and the definitions related to the knowledge of the natures of the horses of the armies, the ways in which it is necessary to adhere to the purchase of horses, and in general the diseases for which the said horses are prospered from the services. This manual is divided into six articles:
o The first article: – It contains the structure and system of horses’ organs.

o The second article: – contains the apparent body.
o The third article: – It contains health.
o Fourth article: – It contains the races of horses and their origins.
o Fifth Article: It contains the method of buying horses.
o Sixth article: – It contains diseases.
Forms have been placed in places in this book that make it easier for the student to know the descriptions of horses and their apparent appearance.
The introduction to the book states: Knowing the shape of horses is one of the natural sciences related to the descriptions of horses. This science includes several original branches, namely, makeup, appearance, health, races of horses, diseases, and the manner in which the buyer adheres to the purchase of horses. These branches must be known to the cavalry.
Khedive Tawfiq also took care of horses like his father, Khedive Ismail, as he had a beautiful “talented” horse called “Jerboa”, dark red, and this horse liked to always be at the forefront of the horse, even if an officer rides him at a party and he is not in the front, he He becomes fierce, and does not rest until all the horses are advanced.