The formation of the Egyptian cavalry began on the latest global system after the return of the Egyptian armies from the Morea War. Ibrahim Pasha saw in this country the French cavalry, and realized what was the importance of the knights who work in groups, fragments or Orta, and the privilege over irregular cavalry, and that this privilege is similar to Its counterpart in the regular pedestrian versus the irregular pedestrian. As soon as he returned to Egypt, he diligently and diligently directed his efforts to the formation of the cavalry according to the new system, and for this purpose he summoned the European teachers, and he formed Urta, which deals with many battalions of cavalry of all kinds, from hunters, armored vehicles, and spearmen…etc.
read more .. Muhammad Ali, founder of the modern horse kingdom
Cavalry School on the French System
The Cavalry School was established in Giza in the Murad Bey Palace. The same system was applied to it in the Cavalry School in the city (Sumore) in France, taking care of what the place required of the difference that required some changes and alterations, and in this school young Turks and Egyptians – mixed with each other – learned in various forms of maneuvers on horses and feet, drawing, fencing and military administration .

The Duke de Ragos said: This school has reached the degree of perfection, and it will have a great impact on the future of the Egyptian army. Three hundred and sixty young men are now taught it, divided into three teams. The one who established it and is now managing it is the Qaim, Farouk, who was formerly a lieutenant. For the Passenger Marshal “Jovin Saint-Cyr”.