Khedive Abbas Helmy II contributed to the development of purebred Arabian horses, by establishing the Al Hadab stem, which had a major role in producing more beautiful, strong and balanced horses.
Khedive Abbas is the 7th ruler of Egypt during the Alawite dynasty. He is the son of Khedive Tawfiq bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad Ali, and he is the eldest of Khedive Tawfiq’s children.
He was born on Jumada al-Thani in the year 1291 AH (July 14, 1874 AD). In January 1881, he joined the high school that his father had established in Abdeen. In the year 1884 AD, he and his brother joined the Hyksos School in Switzerland. Then they moved in 1888 AD to the Terzianum School in Austria; To study political and military sciences.

At the age of eighteen he was granted the rank of pasha. Being the Crown Prince of the country, and on Friday, January 8, 1892, a telegram was received in Vienna from the Chairman of the Board of Priests informing him of his father’s death, so he prepared to return to Egypt, and on the next day, a telegram from the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire arrived at Abbas Helmy Pasha Khedive Egypt, according to the firman of inheriting the Egyptian Khedive; This is because he is the eldest son of the deceased Khedive.
The Grand Vizier, the head of the Council of Priests, in conjunction with the Council of Priests, was assigned to run the country’s affairs until Abbas Helmy arrived in Egypt.
Abbas Helmy the Second arrived in Alexandria on the morning of Saturday, January 16, and immediately took the train to Cairo, arriving at 2 pm on the same day. On Monday, January 18, Abbas Helmy officially took over the affairs of his position. He is the last Khedive of Egypt and Sudan, and his mother is Amina Hanim Elhamy, the granddaughter of the Ottoman Sultan Abd al-Majid I.
The horses of Khedive Abbas in the stables of Qasr al-Qubba
We publish a list of the names of the horses of Khedive Abbas present in the stables of Qasr al-Qubba, and we mention the mare, and their statement is as follows:
Al-Dahma: blonde in color, born in 1880. It was produced by Al-Qahtan. Ali Pasha Sharif bought it, and Khedive Abbas Helmy II bought it from him.
Nader Al-Kabeer: She was born in 1893, her father is Nader Al-Kabeer and her mother Al-Dahma. In 1914, she moved from the stables of Al-Qubba to the stables of Prince Muhammad Ali Tawfiq in Manial Al-Rawda.
Obayya: blue, damask in color, her father is Kahilan al-Masn, her mother is al-Dahma. She was born in 1894 in the stables of al-Qubba, and was gifted by Khedive Abbas Helmy II to the Royal Agricultural Society.
Little Nadra: She was born in 1910 in the stables of al-Qubba, her father is Samhan and her mother is Nadera, and she was dedicated to Prince Muhammad Ali Tawfiq.
Shamma: She was born in 1903 in the stables of al-Qubba, her father is Al-Sinary and her mother is Obayya, and she was gifted to the Royal Agricultural Society in 1914.
Bint Obaya: blue, her father is Al-Halabi and her mother Obayya, she was born in 1912 in the stables of the dome, and she was given to the Royal Agricultural Society in 1914.
Yamama: red, her father is Aziz and her mother is the daughter of Jalabiya Faisal. She was born in 1885 in the Hadara stables owned by Ali Pasha Sharif, and was bought by Khedive Abbas Helmy in 1892.
Bint Yamama: blue in color, her father is the first Saqlawi and her mother is Yamama – Kahilan Jalabi. She was born in the stables of al-Qubba, and was given to Prince Muhammad Ali in 1914.
Jalabiya: Saqlawiya mural, purchased from Mr. Hassan Abu Amin in 1893.
Venus: blonde in color, Hadban Nazha, born in 1890 to Yunus of the Shammar tribe, and she was gifted to the stables of al-Qubba from Sayyid Hassan Abu Amin.
Hadaba: blonde in color, Hadban, her first father is Saqlawi, and her mother is Venus. She was born in 1814 in the stables of al-Qubba.
A beautiful girl: her color is blue, Hadban has moved away, her father is a son of Nadera, and her mother is Jamila bint al-Hadbeh. She was born in 1911 in the stables of al-Qubba, and she was gifted to the Agricultural Society in 1914.
Hadba’s little girl: blonde, Hadban. Her father, Halaby, and her mother, Hadba, were displaced. She was born in 1912 in the stables of al-Qubba, and was gifted in 1914 to the Egyptian Agricultural Society.
Asmaa Afhal Khedive Abbas in the stables of the dome
We publish a list of the names of Khedive Abbas’s horses found in the stables of Qasr al-Qubba, and we mention the most successful of them, namely:
Nader the Great: A blue horse of Ali Pasha Sherif, his ownership was transferred to Prince Ahmed Kamal, and it was moved to the stables of the Koba.
Samhan: blond in color. His father, Rabdan, and his mother, Umm Dalal, are from the horses of Prince Ahmed Kamal. He was moved to the Qobba stables.
Kahilan Al-Masn: From Ahmed Bey Al-Sinari’s horses, and it was moved to the stables of the dome.
Al-Sinary: A blond horse, the son of Kahilan Al-Masn and his mother, Moniyat Al-Nufus, was produced by Ahmed Bey Al-Sinari, and was bought by Al-Qubba Stables.
Blue Dahman: a blue horse. His father is Jamil Al-Ahmar and his mother Farida Al-Dabbani. Produced by Prince Ahmed Kamal, it was given to the stables of Al-Qubba, and it was presented to Prince Muhammad Ali Tawfiq in 1914.
Al-Saqlawi the First: a blue horse, born in 1886, whose mother is the mare, Rolla, one of the horses of the Prince Ahmed Kamal.
Al-Halabi: His father was al-Saqlawi the first, and his mother was Jalabiya, the production of al-Qubba stables, and this horse was widely used in the special breeding programs of the Agricultural Society.
Al-Saqlawi II: a blue horse. His father is the first al-Saqlawi and his mother is a rambunctious mother. He was born in the stables of al-Qubba, and was gifted to Prince Muhammad Ali Tawfiq, and among his most important sons is the strong founder, the horse Jamil Manial, the legendary father of the horse, the producer of the most important divorcees in the Zahra Mansour station, the father of the global horse Nazir.
Ibn Nadira: a blue horse, his father is the Sinari, and his mother is Nadera, he was born in 1905 in the stables of the dome.
The horses of Khedive Abbas Helmy II played the main role in the breeding program of the Royal Agricultural Society. Prince Muhammad Tawfiq also presented in his book an overview of the “purebred” horses in Egypt.
Revealing the names of the horses and their number that were in the stables of the Seven Sarayas, King of Khedive Abbas II
We publish a list of the names of the horses of Khedive Abbas present in the stables of Qasr al-Qubba, and we mention the horses and their number, and their statement is as follows:
o 133 purebred mare
o 8 fat mares
o 7 orthopedic hips
o 16 mare khailat
o 3 mares dahmat
o 5 Abayat horses
o 4 fringed mares
o 3 Hamdaniya mares
o Forsan and Danat Al Khursani
We have records of the following horses:
o Kahilah Al-Nawaq
o Kahilah the girl
o old woman
o Khilah fun
o Kahilah Al-Amawi
o Obayya Sharaki
o Khilah Rodan
o Kahilah or Surra
o Gilt Jar Allah
o Kahilah El Galala
o Kahilah Al Souki
o Wadna Khorasan
o Khilah Terminal
o Kahilah Al-Fajry
o Hadaba bin Banout
o Khilah Al-Shanina
o Kheila Zaghar
o Anaki Hadraji
o Khilah or bed
o Khilah Al Khums
o Hadba Golan
o Kahilah El Moradi
o Kahila Al-Jarshiah
o marijuana
o Kahilah bin Khurasan
o Kahilah Abdel Hashi
o the goal of the thorn
o Khilah the old mare Abu Dreb
o Khilah Tamriah
o Ghaya Dagher
o Kahilah Al-Kibish
o Khilah intimate partner
o Marigayat
o Kahilah Al-Barsiah
o very beautiful
o Kahilah Jaweesh
o Khilah Kahlan Abu Makada
o purpose of peace
o Kahilah Haza
o Kahilah the little one
o Dorman’s goal
o Kahilah Subaih Al Hilal
o Obayya Al-Darjia
o Shuwayma swimming
o Hadba Mo Shetib
o Dhama Umm Amer
o Saqlawiya Bdhigh
o Saqlawi walls of cemni
o Obaya Dassem
o Saqlawiya goal
o Saqlawi Rasan Al-Abed
o Hadba Zaidi
o Hadaba IDPs
o Saqlawi bin Kamal
o raid of kenihar
o Hadba Al-Zahiri
o Saqlawy vegetables
o Dehim Najeeb
o Dhama bin Mojil
o Saqlawy Al Risha
o Obaya Al-Hendiz
o Obayya Alyan
o Saqlawi Al Weberia
o Obayya Al Saifi
o Kahilah bin Aafis
o Kahilah Al Mohsin
o Kahilah the Knight
o Kahilah Al Jazzi
o Kahilah Al Maryum
o Kahilah Al-Kibish
o Kahilah Saqlawi bin Sudan
o Hadba Mushaiteeb
o Hamadaniyat
Arsan Al Hadab is their father.. The horses of Abbas Helmy II are the nucleus of Al Zahraa Station
Abbas Helmy II loved horses, and he inherited them from his grandfather Abbas Helmy I, and his horses had a clear imprint in the history of the Egyptian horse still until now. The first 6 mare for the construction of the station in Bahtim, which are: Arabiya, Bent Obaya, Shamma, Bent Hadaba Al Saghira, Bent Jamila, and Sania, which were donated by the association the following year to Badrawi Pasha Ashour, as well as the horse Talluqa Phantom.
The association also gave the association the horse Fattouh: a brown horse, born on November 6, 1913 in the stables of the dome. It was received in January 1914 by the association with his mother Obaya and his father al-Halabi. It was used for divorce, and he died in 1930.
Al-Hadab: Al-Hadab was established in the station of Al-Zahra by the Persians, Bint Hadaba Al-Saghir and Bint Jamila, who were donated by the Khedive.
The Khedive’s contributions are evident, for example, in the halting halter at al-Zahra station; The founding mare is the little girl Hadba: a blonde with a flank, a saddle, and a mustache on the nostrils, born on February 22, 1912 in the stables of Khedive Abbas Pasha Helmy II in the dome. His Highness bought it from Hassan Agha in 1893 from Al-Saqlawi Al-Azraq from Sharif Pasha’s horses, and her father Al-Halabi Al-Saqlawi, born in 1895, was born in 1895 from Al-Saqlawi Al-Azraq from Sharif Pasha’s horses. She was executed in 1931.
Likewise, the founding mare of the halter is a beautiful girl: Zarqa Debani with a flank, sill, and a mustache on the nostrils, and a white lump inside the northern hock, born on 4/11/1911 in the stables of His Highness Khedive Abbas Pasha Helmy II in the dome, and received by the Society.
Al-Dahm: Three horses are the main nucleus of this halter, namely, Obayya, Bint Ubayyah, and Shamma, which were donated by Khedive Abbas Helmy to the Royal Agricultural Society.
Obayya: Zarqa Debani, born in 1894, came to the association from the Khedive stables in the dome in January 1914. Her mother is a horse of Ali Pasha Sharif, and her father is Kahilan, the horse of Ahmed Bey Al-Sinari. She was executed on 12/11/1919.
Bint Ubayyah: blue with Sawana, born on October 20, 1912 to the stables of the dome, and she was born in January 1912. Her mother is Ubayyah and her father is Al-Halabi bin Jalabiya, from Saqlawi, the great blue horse, Ali Pasha Sharif. She died on October 21, 1931.
Shamma: a Qurashi blue woman with a thin body and a mustache, born on November 3, 1903, in the stables of the dome, her mother is Ubayyah and her father is Al-Sinari bin Munia Al-Nofous from Kahilan Al-Masn. It was received in January 1914, and sold in February 1918.
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